2012-2013 Fellows

Ben Burkholder

Degree Sought : M.S. in Remote Sensing and GIS
Research Focus: Monitoring intellectual property in China & Monitoring vegetation health in Egypt

School Name : Lincoln School, Brookline
Teaching Partner: Jan Preheim
Ben's Project GLACIER Site

Ben Burkholder is a masters candidate studying vegetation health via satellite imagery in Egypt and monitoring patenting activity in China. He hopes to help the Egyptian people living in Aswan by giving them quality information about their current state of agriculture and irrigation practices. While on the China project, Ben hopes to find valuable information about the current economic boom happening in China. There are little to none actual descriptive maps with spatial statistics to prove where patenting activity is occurring and why.

Ben`s teaching partner is Jan Preheim, at the Lincoln School in Brookline. Jan is a truly amazing teacher who pushes for the best out of her students in such a positive way. She is very interested in incorporating more science, technology and global topics into her classroom. Together they formed a great partnership by teaching in small groups, creating an environment awareness club and ensuring the scientific growth of every student.
Sponsored by the NSF GK-12 Program