2013-2014 Fellows
Michael Malmrose Degree Sought : Ph.D. in Astronomy
Research Focus:
School Name : Dricoll School, Brookline
Teaching Partner: Yana Davis
Michael's Project GLACIER Site
Michael Malmrose is a Ph. D. candidate at Boston University in his sixth year of studying a subset of Active Galactic Nuclei known as Blazars with Professor Alan Marscher. These objects are amongst the most luminous in the Universe, and they radiate energy across the entire electromagnetic spectrum, from radio to gamma rays. His research seeks to establish the relative abundance of astrophysical dust in these objects as well as its effect on high energy emission from Blazars. Michael is an observational astronomer and spends much of his time collecting and analysing data form the Optical and Infrared portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. |
Michael's teaching partner is Yana Davis, who teaches 7th and 8th grade science at the Michael Driscoll School, in Brookline Massachusetts. Yana and Michael hope to rewrite the 8th grade Astronomy unit to provide a greater focus on the process of data collection and its analysis. This will include field trips to Boston University in order give students access to telescopes. |