2014-2015 Fellows

Andrew Christ

Degree Sought : Ph.D.
Research Focus:

School Name : Driscoll School, Brookline
Teaching Partner: Eric Hazlinsky
Andrew's Project GLACIER Site

Andrew, a 2nd year PhD student in the Department of Earth and Environment, is a geologist who studies Antarctic paleoclimate. He uses climate proxy records from both terrestrial alpine and glacial marine environments to reconstruct past climatic conditions from distant times in the geologic past to within the past decade. He is particularly interested in glacial landscape evolution, Quaternary geochronological methods, and interactions between the West and East Antarctic ice sheets in the Ross Sea along the front of the Transantarctic Mountains.

He is paired with Eric Hazlinski at the Michael Driscoll School in Brookline, MA. As both Andrew and Eric have backgrounds in the geosciences and hydrology, they work together to develop hands-on curricula focusing on water at all levels from the molecular to global scale. The topic of water allows them to focus on water as important natural resource locally and globally. Andrew's incorporates his research in Antarctica to expand lessons beyond the classroom and into the globally important polar regions.
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